Meamui Kaunda – from Poultry to Watermelons! recently caught up with Meamui Kaunda from the Kafue district. She was the very first winner of our many competitions. Meamui won a Mega Farmer Hamper sponsored by Amiran Zambia LTD., ATS Agrochemicals Limited, Klein Karoo Seed Marketing Zimbabwe, RDO Equipment Africa Ltd and Starke Ayres Zambia.

At the time, she was so happy that she joined and would use the Mega Farmer Hamper to finish planting on her farm. In our recent interaction with her, she mentioned that she embarked on her agricultural journey in 2018 by going into poultry farming. After winning her Mega Farmer Hamper, she took a break from farming chickens and extended her journey into crop farming on her land.

For the last while, she has undertaken a watermelon mentorship offered by Agriworth Incubator. They have an active Facebook page where they provide various mentorship programmes. Agriworth mentors rural farmers for about four months, assisting online and physically interacting with their farmers. They helped Meamui in the following: land preparation, crop care and management, pest control management, spray programmes and with budgetary and technical advice. They offer their inputs, such as seedlings, at competitive prices and guarantee markets for their produce. Meamui decided on the Fahari and Antilop seed varieties supplied by Syngenta Zambia.

The Popularity of Watermelon Farming in Zambia

Watermelon farming in Zambia has become popular as a main crop or for smallholders to add variety to their crops. Many different seed varieties are available, including the well-regarded Fahari and Antilop. Watermelon cultivation presents an appealing opportunity for farmers due to its relatively low production costs and high-profit potential. The fruit’s ability to thrive in various regions of Zambia further adds to its appeal, enabling farmers from across the country to engage in watermelon farming and contribute to the industry’s growth.

Varieties of Watermelons in Zambia

Fahari: Fahari is a highly sought-after variety in Zambia. It is renowned for its exceptional sweetness, crisp texture and excellent yield potential. The fruit typically weighs between 10 to 12 kilograms and boasts a vibrant red flesh rich in flavour. Its thick rind provides good protection, making it easier to transport and prolonging its shelf life.
Antilop: The Antilop variety is well-known for its high resistance to diseases and pests, making it a preferred choice among farmers. Antilop watermelons are medium to large, weighing an average of 5 to 10 kilograms. The fruit has a dark green rind and a bright red, juicy flesh that offers a delightful burst of sweetness.

Other Varieties: Zambia cultivates several other watermelon varieties, such as Sugar Baby, Charleston Gray, Crimson Sweet and Jubilee, to mention a few. Each variety possesses unique characteristics, including different sizes, colours and flavours, providing consumers with diverse options.

Cultivation Practices and Market Outlook

The watermelon demand in Zambia remains strong in local markets and neighbouring countries. Watermelons are a staple in Zambia’s fruit market, enjoyed for their delicious taste, hydrating properties and nutritional benefits. The increasing urbanisation and evolving consumer preferences have further fuelled the demand for watermelons, making it an attractive crop for farmers seeking profitable ventures. Agriworth believes that watermelons can provide a healthy return for small farmers on a small investment of about 1000 plants.

Climatic Requirements: Watermelons thrive best when germinated at temperatures between 27-32°C, with a minimum night temperature of 24°C. Night temperatures of 18-20°C and day temperatures of 24-30°C are recommended for optimum growth. During the ripening stage, temperatures of 15-25°C are ideal.

Soil Requirements: Watermelons can be cultivated in various soil types, but sandy soils are preferred. Well-drained sandy-loam soils generally yield the highest production. It is advisable to avoid heavy clay soils, soils with poor drainage, or very shallow soils. The optimal soil pH for watermelon cultivation is around 5.8-6.2. Adding lime to the soil is typically recommended if the pH is below 5.5.

Land Preparation: Thorough and deep soil cultivation is essential to establish a robust root system for watermelon plants. This enables the effective utilisation of moisture and helps prevent soil-borne diseases. The roots typically develop at a depth of 30-40cm, so ensuring optimal soil structure at that level is crucial. To allow ample space for the plants to grow and move around, it is recommended to maintain a distance of 2-3 metres between rows and 60cm between individual plants. Additionally, a walkway should be left between rows to facilitate access for maintenance and harvesting.

Meamui’s Advice

While Meamui is looking forward to finishing the planting on her farm in anticipation of the new growing season, she has these sage words of inspiration:

“Don’t get stuck in the mundane. Follow your dreams, no matter how long or complicated the journey seems. When you have a passion for it, the love for farming gnaws at one’s heart persistently in all seasons.”
However, apart from being a novice, Meamui’s biggest challenge was finding a workforce good enough to supervise from a distance. May her words offer advice to all the youngsters clamouring to find employment. Listen to the advice of your employers and appreciate that their knowledge is gained from many successful and failed seasons. Nobody wants to employ a know-it-all. is all about Agriculture. We aim to create an environment of innovation, satisfaction, and learning. offers youth in agri a digital platform to network, access educational materials, shop online for agri inputs, and explore employment opportunities. Youth in any industry is the next generation, the next step and the next group of leaders for the future.

Please talk to us to keep these questions alive on the Networking Zone at or email us at [email protected]. Welcome to a new era in agriculture!

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